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Product Creator

The MediaGration product creator works with any AJAX eShop site, enabling bulk product creation, for merchants who want to create online stores quickly and almost automatically. Simply upload product images, and it will create a physical product for every image.

When used with MMCart, it will create a VOD product for every video, mp3 file, ebook, image or live event; it allow users to name, describe and price them. in a MMCart media store, the Product Creator allows AJAX eShop Stores and Publishers to upload and create products by importing videos, sounds, images, and ebooks in large quantity; it works well on mobile devices and PC, allowing the upload of all videos in a folder or all videos on a device.

After one or more products are created, the product creator allows users to preview each, and assign a product name, price and description for all the products.

When used in combination with the YouTube API plugin it will create a new product for every live show or VOD exists on the YouTube account.
Sales price $99.00
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Price / kg:

Description The MediaGration product creator works with any AJAX eShop site, enabling bulk product creation, for merchants who want to create online stores quickly and almost automatically.  Simply upload product images, and it will create a physical product for every image. 

When used with MMCart,  it will create a VOD product for every video, mp3 file, ebook, image or live event; it allow users to name, describe and price them. in a MMCart media store, the Product Creator 
allows AJAX eShop Stores and Publishers to upload and create products by importing videos, sounds, images, and ebooks in large quantity; it works well on mobile devices and PC, allowing the upload of all videos in a folder or all videos on a device.

After one or more products are created, the product creator allows users to preview each, and assign a product name, price and description for all the products. 

When used in combination with the YouTube API plugin it will create a new product for every live show or VOD exists on the YouTube account. 


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