Mediagration products focus on technology related to the creation, publishing, preview, sale, and delivery of streaming media and other digital media products. Our products are based on Joomla (Virtuemart) and WordPress (WooCommerce), and offer flexible billing methods, payment processors, languages, currencies, and configurations.
Below is an overview and summary of our products, with links to more detailed descriptions:
MultiMediacart Packages - Sell individual products, including video, audio, stock images, PDF, audiobooks, Google classes, Google Meetings, Signup Pages, etc. Apply PPV and other types of billing to one or more product.
OTT Package - A Plug'n Play white-label Netflix-type site to offer site passes to subscription customers (white label Netflix-type site). When a user purchases a subscription, they have access to the entire site, or entire product categories (such as different language or currency). cale and have the potential to stream to millions. |
Download Site Package - Download product sales Website, with automated licensing for ionCube and Source Guardian downloads. ionCube and Source Guardian protect source code in commmercial applications.
For more information on the above products, please contact sales.