Mediagration Software licenses grant customers a lifetime right to use our software as they see fit, without any rules or restrictions on content, other than the law of the user's jurisdiction.  Content publishers who own their own servers and software and connection contracts, have more freedom compared to those who rely on third-party providers, platforms and connections. Here are some key points to consider:

Advantages of Owning Servers and Software

  1. Full Control: Publishers have complete control over their content, including how it is distributed and monetized. They can set their own rules and guidelines without worrying about external policies.

  2. Customization: Owning the infrastructure allows for extensive customization. Publishers can tailor their platforms to better suit their audience’s needs and preferences.

  3. Data Ownership: Publishers retain full ownership of their user data, which can be crucial for targeted advertising and content personalization. This contrasts with third-party platforms that often control and monetize user data.

  4. No Censorship: Without the risk of external censorship, publishers can freely express their views and share content that might be restricted on other platforms.

  5. Monetization Flexibility: Publishers can explore various monetization strategies without the limitations imposed by third-party platforms. This includes subscription models, direct sales, and ad placements.

Challenges with Third-Party Platforms

  1. Restrictions and Rules: Platforms like YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, and Facebook have strict community guidelines and policies. Violating these policies can lead to content removal, demonetization, supsention or deplatforming. 

  2. Censorship: Third-party platforms often censor content that doesn’t align with their policies or community standards. This can limit the type of content creators can share.

  3. Deplatforming: In extreme cases, platforms can completely ban users, cutting off their access to their audience and revenue streams.

  4. Revenue Sharing: Many third-party platforms take a significant cut of the revenue generated by content creators, reducing their overall earnings. Mediagration products permit the publisher to capture 100% of all sales; but it allows them to split payments to as many as 100 partners for every product. 

Examples of Platform Restrictions

  • YouTube: Known for demonetizing videos that don’t meet advertiser-friendly guidelines.
  • Twitch: Enforces strict community guidelines, leading to suspensions for violations.
  • Twitter: Has policies against certain types of speech and content, leading to account suspensions.
  • Facebook: Uses algorithms to moderate content, which can sometimes result in the removal of posts that violate its standards.

By owning their own servers and software, content publishers can avoid these pitfalls and maintain greater autonomy over their content and business models.