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Advanced Media Player is a scrollable CSS-based user interface, floating over the JW Player, version 7, displaying a program list or playlist of video, audio programs. Each program is associated with a Virtuemart product; either a downloadable product or merchandise product.


The programs are configured as VirtueMart child products, under a parent product. Each child is configured with the Advanced Media Player plugin and configured with separate links to both preview and download file. 

The Advanced Media Player is capable of playing Youtube and private videos, and audio. Youtube or private video and be played - while muted - in the background, based on JW Player 7. Any program can be linked to a download product or merchandise product in Virtuemart. Has a built-in download plugin for Virtuemart, so that downloads can be accessed via the Orders page or in My Downloads menu item. It is capable of selling either merchandise or download content. It has three preview modes:

1. Audio only - showing the album image in the background

2. Audio - showing muted video in the background - with an audio or video button that will toggle and override program video

3. Video - with an audio or video button that will toggle and override program video

There is nothing like this media player because it permits the publisher to showcase or preview audio tracks  VOD of live video in the background.  This video can contain related music videos, live studio feeds, video advertising -- all at the same time. Soon - we'll be adding an optional plugin that allows the Advanced Media Player for JW Player 7, to preview and deliver on-demand video and audio, streamed with secure HLSe. 

It would allow individual media shops to offer streamed audio, similar to the new generation music sites. 

Please review the demo video below, and download the trial to see the power of the Mediagration Advanced Media Player.